Manages your image collection while converting and transforming them. Supports loading images in different formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PICT, TIFF, PNG) and applies effects when creating slideshows. Includes the tools to manipulate the images orientation (Crop, scale, Reflect, Rotate, Skew, Perspective) and edits the audio files as well.
New Millennium announces the release of MediaManager for Windows and Macintosh (including Intel-based Macs), fully compatible with FileMaker Pro 7/8/8.5/9.
MediaManager is a plug-in that radically expands FileMaker Pro's ability to work with stored documents, images, sound files, and other media.
With MediaManager and FileMaker Pro's friendly database environment, you can easily create powerful document management and media editing solutions.
Uses for MediaManager Photo gallery or image archive Custom photo and image editing Automatically create web-friendly thumbnails Dynamically generate web pages in straight HTML Document management Music library or sound archive Sound editing studio Podcasting Image Manipulation Adjust image size, quality, and resolution Crop, scale, rotate, reflect, skew, and perspective Full QuickTime image effects (brightness/contrast, RGB balance, etc.) Convert image formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PICT, TIFF, PNG, etc.) Sound Editing Play sounds asynchronously in the background Extract, fade, append and mix sounds Insert silence, tones, and noise Convert sound formats (WAV, iTunes friendly AAC/MP4, MP3, M4A, AIF, SND, etc.) Document Management Store media (documents, images, sounds, movies, applications) directly or by reference Grab HTML text, images, and other files from web sites Export media with a dynamic name and location Move, rename, copy, delete and open external files List volumes, folders, and files Gather detailed information about images, sounds, and other media